The Bridgeport Ranger District of Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest today announced that beginning Monday, July 17, 2023, all food taken into Hoover Wilderness must be stored in bear-proof food containers.

The Hoover Wilderness is located inside California, along the eastern Sierras, just west of Bridgeport. Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest is primarily located throughout Nevada, but there is a small portion that extends into California.
The new requirement is enforced through a Forest Order. Violation of this forest order could carry a fine up to $5,000 and/or six months in jail.
“The food storage order will help reduce adverse human-wildlife encounters with bears and other wildlife,” said Acting Bridgeport District Ranger David Risley. “Food storage means that all unattended attractants such as food, garbage and harvested fish and small game need to be stored using an approved method.”
Bear-proof food containers can be purchased at stores in the nearby town of Bridgeport. They can also be purchased online (see them on Amazon).
Vehicles are not allowed into Hoover Wilderness. There are no roads, only hiking trails. The wilderness is open to the public and is popular for day-use activities such as hiking and horse-back riding. Camping is allowed but only in tents or just throwing a blanket on the ground, and requires a getting a permit.
Most people access Hoover Wilderness from one of several forest campgrounds and resorts located within a short walk: Obsidian Campground, Twin Lakes Resort, Green Creek Campground, Trumbull Lake Campground, and Lundy Canyon Campground.
Because of Hoover’s close proximity to campgrounds and resorts, and because of the surge in popularity of outdoor recreation during the COVID-19 pandemic, bear-human interaction has increased in Hoover Wilderness.
Bears and other wildlife who associate people with easy food sources can potentially become dangerous. Food-conditioned animals often cannot be scared away or successfully relocated to other areas. When a bear becomes trained to follow hikers, officials often have to capture the animal and euthanize it.
For more information about Hoover Wilderness, contact the Bridgeport Ranger District at…
Fax: 760-932-5899
Mon.-Fri. 8 am to 4:30 pm PST
Sat.-Sun. 8 am to 4:30 pm PST
Read More About Boondocking with Bears
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