Title 76 – Fisheries and Wildlife, Chapter XIX – Wildlife Management Areas
Synopsis: This is the set of rules adopted by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries regarding camping within its Wildlife Management Areas.
G. WMA Regulations, 6. Camping a. A WMA camping permit is required for all persons camping on LDWF operated campgrounds on WMAs. Camping on WMAs, including trailers, houseboats, vessels, recreational vehicles and tents, is allowed only in designated areas and for a period not to exceed 16 consecutive days, regardless if the camp is attended or unattended. At the end of the 16-day period, camps must be removed from the area for at least 48 hours. Camping area use limited exclusively to outdoor recreational activities. Camping is available on a first-come, first-serve basis unless otherwise specified. b. Houseboats and vessels utilized for recreational activities are prohibited from overnight mooring within WMAs except on stream banks adjacent to designated camping areas. Overnight mooring of vessels that provide lodging for hire are prohibited on WMAs. Houseboats and vessels shall not impede navigation. On Atchafalaya Delta WMA houseboats may be moored by permit only in designated areas during hunting season. Permits are available by lottery annually or by five-year lease through a bid program. c. Discharge of human waste onto lands or waters of any WMA is strictly prohibited by state and federal law. In the event public restroom facilities are not available at a WMA, the following is required. Anyone camping on a WMA in a camper, trailer, or other unit (other than a houseboat or tent) shall have and shall utilize an operational disposal system attached to the unit. Tent campers shall have and shall utilize portable waste disposal units and shall remove all human waste from the WMA upon leaving. Houseboats moored on a WMA shall have a permit or letter of certification from the Health Unit (Department of Health) of the parish within which the WMA occurs verifying that it has an approved sewerage disposal system on board. Further, that system shall be utilized by occupants of the houseboats when on the WMA. d. No refuse or garbage may be dumped from these boats. e. Firearms may not be kept loaded or discharged in a camping area unless otherwise specified. f. Campsites must be cleaned by occupants prior to leaving and all refuse placed in designated locations when provided or carried off by campers. g. Trash must be contained at all times while camping. h. Burning of trash is prohibited. i. Glass containers prohibited on campgrounds. j. Non-compliance with camping regulations will subject occupant to immediate expulsion and/or citation, including restitution for damages. k. Swimming is prohibited within 100 yards of boat launching ramps.