Add Your Campsite Review

Do you have a YouTube video or a blog post about a boondocking site review? Submit it to us and we'll add it to our Boondocking Map.

Add Your Campsite Review to Our Boondocking Map

This form is for adding a map marker to our Boondocking Map. The marker will link to your blog article or video about a boondocking site you camped at. Your blog article or video should…

  • Explain the road conditions leading to the campsite.
  • Explain the public authority in charge (BLM, US Forest Service, State Trust Land, etc.)
  • Provide plenty of photos or video showing the area.
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Must be coordinates for your specific campsite, and not of the general area. You can find the coordinates using Google Maps satellite view, then right-click or tap on the screen.
The link must be publicly accessible without requiring a login or password.
Used to contact you for additional information if necessary.
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