De Cordova Bend Park
There are nine covered picnic tables, and about five more uncovered picnic tables, all of which could double as campsite markers, however there are no rules stating you must camp only these tables. We saw other motorhomes and trailers camped on the grass away from any picnic table, so it’s hard to say there’s any limit as to where you can camp.
The park is easy to get to, it’s all paved road the way in. There’s a Dollar General and a gas station just a couple of miles up.
De Cordova Bend Park is well taken care of, there’s not much trash laying around, though after the weekend rush, you’ll definitely see trash cans filled to the top and plenty of birds taking their pickings. But during the week, it’s much more serene and calm, making for an enjoyable walk with the dog.
Brazos River Authority has published a rule with respect to camping…
A. Camping
Camping at a designated BRA public use area(s) or designated RV site(s) shall only be for a maximum period of ten days during a 30-consecutive-day period. After ten days, the party shall not camp at a BRA public use area or designated RV site at the same reservoir again until an additional 30 days has passed.
Camping in areas not designated for such activity by the BRA is prohibited.
You can read the full set of rules here.