Camping at Hartley Springs Campground
Access to Hartley Springs Campground starts at US-395, where Hartley Springs Road intersects. From here, it’s a 1.8 mile ride along a hard-packed gravel road to the campground. The road seems well-graded for any 2WD drive vehicle.
Campsites at Hartley Springs are large enough for full-sized RVs. This is often seen as the lesser-known option to Glass Creek Campground because it’s smaller in size, but requires a further drive into the forest. Campsites are more secluded from one another, which may be preferable to those who want to get further away from others, but still have the amenities of a primitive campground.
There is a donation box on site with a requested donation of $10.00.
The town of June Lake is only 8.1 miles into town center. This is also a popular campground option for those who want to hike trails around Obsidian Dome and Glass Creek Meadow.