Jackson Creek Park
One thing you’ll get a lot of at Jackson Creek Park is shade. The campground is completely wooded, which is great for hot, humid summers in East Texas. However, campground roads here twist in and out of trees, which may make it difficult for motorhomes and fifth wheels to navigate through. Moreover, the campsites don’t offer much room to turnaround or make three-point turns.
Other than the bumpy access road and the dated amenities, Jackson Creek Park is like most other free campgrounds offered by the Army Corps of Engineers, neglected, dated, and overgrown with weeds. Sites are unlevel, most tilting down towards the shoreline. There is a restroom building, but with no lights.
On the plus side, it’s usually quiet and calm at Jackson Creek Park. Even when full, the campground tends to remain peaceful. You will, however, hear an occasional gun shot from distant hunters.