Camping at Kingston Campground
This tiny campground is located right next door to the tiny Town of Kingston, where there are no amenities. The closest town with supplies is Hillsboro, about 8.5 miles to the east.
Being that this campground shares an unfenced border with someone’s backyard, can ruin the feel of camping in the woods. And because this campground is located close to Highway 152, there is considerable road noise.
This campground also doubles as a small roadside picnic area, which many people do stop at for lunch. Because the area is so small, the picnic crowd tends interfere with campers, removing all sense of seclusion and peace.
Overall, this is a great place for camping if you’re visiting someone in Kingston, but because it lacks in privacy and peace, and because the town of Kingston doesn’t offer any visitor amenities, it’s better as an overnight stay.