Luna Park Campground, Truth or Consequences, NM
This is a free, developed campground offered by Cibola National Forest. It's located about 9.4 miles north of Monticello, NM, and about 34 miles north of Truth or Consequences. It only offers three campsites, but these sites are large, able to accommodate several vehicles each.
Spring Creek Lake Dispersed Area, Cheyenne, OK
This is a designated dispersed camping area located along the east bank of Spring Creek Lake, about 18.5 miles north of Cheyenne, OK. Even it's considered to be a dispersed camping area, there are actually picnic tables and fire rings here. There are only a few places to park your vehicle, but it's assumed tent camping is allowed anywhere here.
Spring Creek Campground, Cheyenne, OK
This is a free, developed campground offered by Black Kettle National Grassland located about 18.5 miles north of Cheyenne, OK. It's primarily set up for just tent camping, however small to medium-sized RVs have been known to set up in the parking areas without incident.
Skipout Campground, Cheyenne, OK
This is a free, developed campground offered by Black Kettle National Grassland located about 12.5 miles west of Cheyenne, OK. It has two back-in RV sites, and about ten tent sites. It's located along the east side of Skipout Lake. There is a potable water spigot with a garden-hose bibb that could be used to refill water tanks.
Black Kettle Campground, Cheyenne, OK
This is a free, developed campground and picnic area offered by Black Kettle National Grassland. The campground is located below the dam of Dead Indian Lake, while the picnic area is located along the east side of the lake. The campground is intended only for tent campers, there's no room for RVs here.
Valle Tio Vinces Campground, Quemado, NM
This is a small, free, developed campground offered by Gila National Forest. There are four designated campsites, but dispersed camping is allowed here. It's primarily used by local mountain bikers and horseback riders, but is also a stopping point for hikers along the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail.
Bighorn Campground, Glenwood, NM
This is a free, developed campground offered by Gila National Forest. There are six campsites, each with picnic table and fire ring. One site is large enough for 40+ foot sized trailer or motorhome. Two other sites are suitable for mid-sized RVs, and others for smaller vehicles. There are no trash cans here.
Ben Lilly Campground, Glenwood, NM
This is a small, free, developed campground offered by Gila National Forest. There are only five campsites here, a few of them are suitable for small to medium-sized trailers. However, the road in along State Route 159 (Bursum Road) is rough gravel after leaving the town of Mogollon, and 4WD is required especially in wet weather.
Willow Creek Campground, Glenwood, NM
This is free, small, developed campground offered by Gila National Forest. There are only four campsites here, though only the first three are open, with the fourth being washed out. These are tent sites only, and only small vehicles, cars, vans, and pickup trucks are allowed. RVs are too big to fit here.
Aeroplane Mesa Campground, Glenwood, NM
This is free, developed campground offered by Gila National Forest. Even though it's small with only six campsites, these campsites are still large enough for full-sized RVs, with at least one of the sites being a pull-through. The campground sits on the northern border of Gila Wilderness.