Bureau of Land Management

Learn about camping and boondocking on BLM land

Dispersed Camping at Joshua Tree National Park

Much of the dispersed camping near Joshua Tree National Park lies in a few sites on BLM land to the north and south of park boundaries, with plenty of space for several large RVs. There is also backcountry camping inside the park, but...

Where Can I Camp on BLM Land?

You can camp just about anywhere on BLM land. The Bureau of Land Management controls 245 million acres of land and nearly all of it is free for camping. Most of it requires no reservations, no permission...

How Long Can You Boondock on BLM Land?

14 days is the popular answer to how long you can boondock on BLM land. However, this is not always the rule. Officially, there is no single answer that applies nationwide. Each BLM State Office and Field Office is free to establish...

Is BLM Land Free to Camp On?

Yes, nearly all BLM land is free to camp on. The only places that cost money are "developed recreation areas", and even most of these are free. There are also "Long Term Visitor Areas" which costs money during one part of the year...

Can You Camp For Free on BLM Land?

Yes, for the most part, you can camp for free on BLM land. However, it does depend on what types of BLM land, and which specific areas. Some BLM lands do cost money to camp, and in some cases you are required to...

Can You Live on BLM Land?

No, you cannot live on BLM land. At least, not at the same campsite. However, you can keep moving from one location to another and remain on BLM land in general for an indefinite period. It just involves being mobile and...

How Many Days Can You Camp on BLM Land?

How many days you can camp on BLM land depends on each BLM State Office and each BLM Field Office. Each of these offices are free to establish their own camping limits. Despite this, most offices adopt the "14-Day Rule"...

Can I Drive My RV Off-Road on BLM Land?

Generally speaking, no you cannot drive your RV off-road on BLM land. You are required to remain on established roads and vehicle trails, except when pulling into a clearing or previously used campsite.

BLM Camping Rules – How to Camp on BLM Land

These are all the BLM rules with regards to camping, including boondocking and campgrounds, how long you can stay, campfires, off-road vehicles, and quiet hours. This covers all the different types of BLM lands.

What Types of BLM Lands Are There?

The Bureau of Land Management administers the bulk of federally-owned lands in the United States, and because there is so much of it, they have to classify certain parts of these lands into various categories. These categories come...