Boodocking in California

Learn about camping and boondocking in the Golden State

CCR 14 § 4319 – Games and Recreational Activities

This regulation prohibits visitors from engaging in recreational activities that interfere with other visitors…

CCR 14 § 4314 – Fireworks

Prohibits the lighting of fireworks on lands managed by the California Department of Parks and Recreation…

CCR 14 § 4313 – Weapons and Traps

Prohibits the firing of weapons on any lands managed by the California Department of Parks and Recreation…

CCR 14 § 4312 – Control of Animals

Regulations about bringing pets into lands managed by the California Department of Parks and Recreation…

CCR 14 § 4311 – Fire in Stoves, Smoking

The following regulation prohibits visitors from starting a fire except in fire rings or grills provided by the Department, or other equipment designed for campfires.

CCR 14 § 4310 – Litter

The following regulation requires visitors to deposit trash into trash receptacles, as well as prohibits visitors from bringing trash from home to dump into park receptacles…

CCR 14 § 4308 – Archaeological Features

The following regulation prohibits removing historical artifacts from a property managed by the California Department of Parks and Recreation…

CCR 14 § 4307 – Geological Features

The following regulation is what prohibits digging out or building up earth at a campsite to make the ground more level.

CCR 14 § 4306 – Plants and Driftwood

The following regulation is what prohibits collection of dead wood from within California state parks, beaches, and recreations areas, for campfire use, or any other use…

CCR 14 § 4305 – Animals

The following regulation applies to California State Parks and Beaches. It prohibits visitors from harming or disrupting wild animals.