Is overnight parking allowed at West Virginia rest areas? How long can you stay at rest areas in West Virginia? Can you sleep in your car at a rest area? Is camping allowed? What are the full West Virginia rest area rules?

West Virginia Rest Area Rules
Neither the State of West Virginia nor the West Virginia Department of Transportation (WVDOT) have adopted any rules regarding public use of its highway rest areas or welcome centers. The West Virginia Parkways Authority (WVPA), however, states on its website that overnight parking is permitted at travel plazas along its turnpikes.
How Long Can You Stay at a West Virginia Rest Area?
There is no maximum time limit. WVDOT has not adopted any rules or policies regarding maximum stay at a rest area or welcome center. WVPA also does not have any rules or policies on length of stay at its turnpike travel plazas.
Is Overnight Parking Allowed at West Virginia Rest Areas?
Yes, overnight parking is allowed. Neither WVDOT nor WVPA have adopted any rules prohibiting overnight parking at rest areas, welcome centers, or turnpike travel plazas. Moreover, we have not noticed any signs posted prohibiting overnight parking at any of the rest areas we have visited.
Can You Sleep In Your Car at West Virginia Rest Areas?
Yes, you can sleep in your car. Neither WVDOT nor WVPA have prohibited sleeping in vehicles while parked at a rest area, welcome center, or turnpike travel plaza. Both would expect drowsy drivers to get some sleep before continuing driving. In addition, they would prefer you sleep in your vehicle rather than sleep on the grass, on a picnic table, or inside a building.
Is Camping Allowed at West Virginia Rest Areas?
Yes, camping is allowed. Neither WVDOT nor WVPA have prohibited camping at a rest area, welcome center, or turnpike travel plaza. Both rest areas and welcome centers include some recreational camping facilities including picnic tables, pet areas, scenic walkways, museum displays, informational kiosks, and RV dump stations. However, we strongly advise you to limit camping activities to just with the facilities provided, and do not extend them through the evening. After sunset, return your camping equipment to inside your vehicle, and remain inside your vehicle if you want to stay longer. The less attention you draw to yourself, the more likely law enforcement will leave you alone.
Where Can I Get a List of West Virginia Rest Areas?
Rest areas, welcome centers, and turnpike travel plazas in West Virginia are published on a map at WVDOT’s website.