Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 17 – Game and Fish
Synopsis: This law forbids someone from setting up camp in such a way that it prevents wildlife or domestic stock from accessing water. It only applies when a campsite is within 1/4 mile from that water source. It does not ban camping within 1/4 mile from the water source, rather it bans camping that blocks access to that water.
17-308. Unlawful camping
It is unlawful for a person to camp within one-fourth mile of a natural water hole containing water or a man-made watering facility containing water in such a place that wildlife or domestic stock will be denied access to the only reasonably available water.
Note: The above law applies “statewide” which the Arizona Department of Game and Fish has defined in another law, §17-101. Definitions, which makes exceptions for certain state and federal agencies.
Official rules and regulations for camping at Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, as gathered from Orders issued by the Supervisor of Apache-Sitgreaves...