Synopsis: These are the rules adopted by the Bureau of Land Management regarding recreational activities on lands managed by the BLM, which includes camping.

These rules are codified under…
- Code of Federal Regulations: Title 43 Public Lands: Interior
- Subtitle B Regulations Relating to Public Lands
- Chapter II Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior
- Subtitle B Regulations Relating to Public Lands
Subchapter F Preservation and Conservation
- Part 6300: Wilderness Areas – Wilderness Areas are special areas set aside for protection of lands designated as “wilderness”.
Subchapter H Recreation Programs
- Part 8340: Off-Road Vehicles – These rules are specific to vehicles designated as off-road vehicles, and for areas designated for off-road vehicle use.
- Part 8350: Management Areas – These rules are meant to enforce special lands designated by an act of Congress, but thus far the only rules that apply to boondockers are for trails and vehicle use.
- Part 8360: Visitor Services – This is where the bulk of the rules exist for boondockers and campers.