Rest Area Overnight Parking

Learn the laws and regulations about overnight parking at rest areas, including maps of state rest areas, welcome centers, picnic areas, and service plazas.


Can You Stay Overnight at a Rest Stop?

Yes, you can stay overnight at a rest stop in most states throughout the USA. Only a handful of states specifically ban overnight stays. However, all rest stops are still open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Thus, you can always...


Is it Legal to Open RV Slide Outs at a Rest Area?

Yes, it is legal to open RV slide outs at a rest area. That is, none of the 50 states have laws or regulations against this. However, you should only do so with caution to due to narrow parking lanes at rest areas. This is because...


Is it Legal to Sleep in a Rooftop Tent While at a Rest Area?

Yes or no, depending on a state's specific laws and regulations concerning use of highway rest areas. Whether it is legal to sleep in a rooftop tent while at a rest area is often at the discretion of a law enforcement officer...


Map of New York Thruway Service Areas

This map of New York Thruway Service Areas was compiled from information obtained from the New York State Thruway Authority. This map is recompiled periodically to keep it up to date.


Can You Cook Food Outdoors at a Rest Area?

The simple answer is "yes", you can cook food outdoors at a rest area in most states. The only exception is Tennessee, which specifically bans grilling and open flames at its rest areas. In addition, there are other states...


Are RVs Required to Use Truck Parking at Rest Areas?

From a legal standpoint, no, RVs are not required to use truck parking at rest areas. Even though most rest areas do have signs directing trucks, RVs, and cars towards different parking areas, these are only meant to aid visitors, not to require them. However...


Which States Do Not Allow RV Overnight Parking in Rest Stops?

Only eight (8) of the states in the United States do not allow RV overnight parking in rest stops. These states either have banned overnight parking by regulation, or have erected "no overnight parking" signs throughout all of their...


Can You Run a Generator at a Rest Area?

Yes, you can run a generator at a rest area in all 50 states. Only the State of Idaho has a regulation prohibiting you from running a generator in such a manner, and at such a time, that it disturbs other visitors. Otherwise...


Which States Allow Overnight Parking in Rest Areas?

Most states allow overnight parking in rest areas. Only a minority of them do not. But even in states that prohibit overnight parking in rest areas, those rest areas are still open 24 hours a day. This means it is still...


Is it Safe to Sleep in Your Car at Rest Stops?

You want to sleep in your car at a rest stop, but is it safe? After all, there are a lot of cars and trucks coming in and going out. How safe is it to sleep in your car overnight at a rest stop...