No, you cannot drive anywhere on BLM land. However, yes, you are allowed to drive your vehicle off-road as long as you don’t cause any damage to plants, animal habitats, and natural features.

Can I Drive Anywhere on BLM Land?
In short, you are not allowed to drive your vehicle off of a road.
However, the BLM does allow you to park your vehicle off the road in a previously used campsite or clearing. You must move your vehicle(s) and camping equipment well enough away from a road so as not to block the flow of traffic or endanger lives.
BLM officers will allow campers to drive their vehicles off of a road so long as they don’t damage natural habitats. You are not allowed to destroy bushes, cut down trees, move big rocks, or disturb archaeological remnants. If you can find a clear patch of earth that looks solid, or a site that was previously used for camping, you’re good.
You are not allowed to make a new road on BLM land. Nor are you allowed to joy ride across the land. The BLM only allows you drive off of a road just for the purposes of setting up camp, and usually in previously-used campsites.
The BLM Has Rules for Off-Highway Vehicles
The BLM does operate several areas designated as “Off-Highway Vehicle Areas“. In these areas only, you are permitted to drive willy-nilly anywhere you want. When the BLM established these areas, it brought forth a new set of rules for OHV use.
BLM Rules for OHV Use
The Bureau of Land Management established a set of rules specifically addressing off-highway vehicles in response to Executive Order 11644, “Use of off-road vehicles on the public lands”, which was issued in February 8, 1972.
These rules…
- Define “off road vehicle” as any “motorized vehicle either designed for, or capable of, “cross-country travel on or immediately over land, water, sand, snow, ice, marsh, swampland, or other natural terrain”. (Refer to BLM 8340.0-5 “Definitions”).
- Limit the use of off-road vehicles to only those areas and trails open to off-road use… “The operation of off-road vehicles is permitted on those areas and trails designated as open to off-road vehicle use.” (Refer to BLM 8341.1 “Regulations Governing Use”).
Your RV is Technically an Off-Road Vehicle
The definitions above are broad enough that they could theoretically include RVs or trailers as long as they are “capable of” traveling over such terrain. The difference lies in what their intended use is. If your goal is simply to reach a flat, solid clearing to set up camp, and you get there without doing much damage to plants, animal habitats, or other natural features, it’s highly unlikely you’ll be cited. As long as you take great care to do minimal damage, and keep your RV on established roads for much of the time, it’s generally not a problem if you drive off the road and on to open land.
However, if your goal is to enjoy an afternoon of tearing up the countryside, you can expect to find BLM officials tracking you down. This is why the BLM began creating OHV recreation areas.
Don’t Drive Over the Plants
The BLM does have additional rules that address the destruction of natural resources, which would include plants, natural features, and animal habitats…
§ 8365.1-5 Property and resources.
(a) On all public lands, unless otherwise authorized, no person shall;
(1) Willfully deface, disturb, remove or destroy any personal property, or structures, or any scientific, cultural, archaeological or historic resource, natural object or area;
(2) Willfully deface, remove or destroy plants or their parts, soil, rocks or minerals, or cave resources, except as permitted under paragraph (b) or (c) of this paragraph
(Read the full text of § 8365.1-5 here)
The Bottom Line
If you can assume that…
- Executive Order 11644 does not apply to boondockers driving RVs or towing trailers into open, public lands for the purpose of reaching a campsite, and
- Boondockers do not cause any significant damage to plants, animal habitats, or natural features, in the course of reaching a campsite…
…then it can be assumed that it’s permissible to drive an RV or tow a trailer off of the road.
State Law Trumps BLM Rules
The BLM rules allow for state laws and regulations to take precedence. These laws and regulations are generally with respect to seat belts, exhaust, noise, and licensing, and not about where you can operate a vehicle. But, you’ll want to know if the state you are located in has any additional rules of driving your vehicle off of roads. It’s highly unlikely, however, the State has a law enforcement official patrolling open, BLM lands.
BLM Officers Rarely Patrol Open Lands
Even if you did drive over some bushes or ran over a few rabbit holes, it’s unlikely you’ll ever be cited. BLM officers almost never patrol open lands. Their time is spent managing designated lands.
Wilderness Areas, Developed Campgrounds, and Other Designated BLM Lands
You cannot drive off-road on lands designated as, “Wilderness Area”. These are highly sensitive areas meant to be kept pristine.
Areas designated as “Campground” require that you drive only on established roads. Areas designated as “Recreation Area” often include OHV areas and will allow to drive off road, but make sure that the recreation area you are in has designated off-road areas.
Why,who and purpose were these often trail roads cut out in no where’s Villegas cut in the first place. Many of these trail/ roads were cut- in some pretty heavy equipment, what were there purpose