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Can You Park Overnight at Walmart?

Can You Park Overnight at Walmart?


Yes, you can park overnight at Walmart. Most Walmart stores allow RVs, van-dwellers, and car campers to sleep in their parking lot overnight. However, there are a minority of Walmart stores where overnight parking is not allowed.

overnight parking at walmart
Overnight parking at a free-standing Walmart in Boonville, MO

Can You Park Overnight at Walmart?

The vast majority of Walmart stores across the United States have no issue with you parking overnight in their lots. They seem to love the idea of letting RVs and trucks park in their lot. Travelers park their rigs in the back portion of the parking lot, and then they walk into the store to buy supplies. It’s a win-win.

Why Do Some Walmarts Prohibit Overnight Parking?

It’s not so much that some Walmart store managers don’t want you to park overnight in their lot, it’s that there are other issues that create problems for them…

  • Local Laws Prevent Overnight Parking – Medium to large-sized cities have laws against sleeping in vehicles. They also have laws against camping within city limits. As a result, law enforcement officers will patrol shopping centers and kick people out. Walmart stores don’t want to see red-and-blue flashing lights in their parking lots.
  • Many Walmarts Are in a Shopping Center– Walmarts that are located inside a larger shopping center don’t have a say with their parking lots. Rather, the company that owns the shopping center set these rules and hires security to enforce them.
  • High Traffic Walmarts – Particularly those located in suburbs, or high-traffic shopping centers, large RVs can create problems with other vehicles.

24-Hour Walmarts Are Better

Walmarts open 24-hours are more popular for sleeping in vehicles because it’s difficult for security to tell if you’re parked there for shopping or sleeping. This is assuming you are in a vehicle that is not easy for an officer to know, such as a van or RV.

Which Walmarts Allow Overnight Parking?

Here’s a guide that will help you “guess” which Walmart allows overnight parking…

High Probability – A free-standing Walmart, one that doesn’t share land with other stores, located in a small town close to a major highway.

Better Probability – A Walmart located in a small town, inside a larger shopping center, close to a major highway

Good Probability – A Walmart located in a small town, regardless of proximity to major highway.

55/45 Shot – A free-standing Walmart, located in a medium to large city, on the out-skirts of town, on a major highway

50/50 Shot – A Walmart located inside a larger shopping center, in a medium to large city, on the out-skirts of town, on a major highway.

Probably Not Allowed – A Walmart in a medium to large city, in the middle of town, near a major highway.

You’ll Get Kicked Out for Sure – A Walmart in a medium to large city, located in the suburbs.

Apps For Finding Walmart Parking

AllStays – Seems to have the most reviews from other users, but charges a fee to use their app.

More Reading About Overnight Parking

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3 thoughts on “Can You Park Overnight at Walmart?”

  1. There is absolutely nothing about Walmart’s on the FreeRoam App. Did you even research that app? You can’t even search for a Walmart. It’s only campsites. Epic fail

  2. I think people should be able to park there if there isn’t any problems or mess let them.Life is hard enough as it is.Thats what’s wrong with people these days no compassion.


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