Generally speaking, no, you cannot wash an RV while camping at an Army Corps of Engineers campground. This is because the Army Corps of Enginees (ACOE) prohibits dumping of pollutants and sewage on to its land and waters. This is a measure meant to protect the water and environment.

Can You Wash an RV While Camping at an Army Corps of Engineers Campground?
When campers are hooked up to campground utilities, they often want to wash the bugs and dirt from their RV and vehicles. However, because most ACOE campgrounds are located on lake shores and riverbanks, they have rules to protect the water and surrounding environment.
Text of the Actual Rule(s)
These rules are codifed under CFR Title 36 § 327.9 Sanitation.
(a) Garbage, trash, rubbish, litter, gray water, or any other waste material or waste liquid generated on the project and incidental to authorized recreational activities shall be either removed from the project or deposited in receptacles provided for that purpose.
CFR Title 36 § 327.9 (a)
(c) The spilling, pumping, discharge or disposal of contaminants, pollutants or other wastes, including, but not limited to, human or animal waste, petroleum, industrial and commercial products and by-products, on project lands or into project waters is prohibited.
CFR Title 36 § 327.9 (c)
You Can Still “Dry Wash” Your RV
Dry washing means to use a spray bottle of water or cleaner and wiping down your vehicle with cloth. As long as you don’t hose down the vehicle, and prevent pollutants from touching the ground or water, you have effectively cleaned your vehicle without violating the above rules.