There is no map of BLM land in New York. However, the BLM does maintain an “Eastern States” office that covers all areas east of the Mississippi River. But this office manages all of United States’ sub-surface mineral rights (oil, gas, etc). This office also manages auctions of livestock and other properties gathered or seized from western states.

Map of BLM Land in New York
The map of New York above does not display any BLM lands because there are no BLM lands in New York. In fact, there are no BLM lands east of the Mississippi River.
Otherwise, all BLM lands available for camping are all west of the Mississippi River.
The BLM does operate an “Eastern States” office that is responsible for managing the mineral rights the federal government owns, which would include oil and gas. That office also conducts auctions of livestock (horses, burros) as well as seized property, from collected from western states.
Federal Lands in New York State
The only federal lands in New York State available for recreation purposes are…
- Finger Lakes National Forest (US Forest Service), see “Finger Lakes National Forest Camping Rules“.
- National Park Service, the NPS operates about 32 park units in New York, most of which are National Historic Sites.
- US Fish & Wildlife Service, operates about 14 National Wildlife Refuges in New York, none of which however, support camping.
- Army Corps of Engineers, operates 2 reservoirs in New York, and there is camping surrounding these lakes, however, the Corps does not operate any of them. They are all operated by either state or indian reservations.