How Do I Keep Ticks Away From My Campsite?
Ticks don't come crawling over to your campsite like other pests. They grab on to your clothing and skin when you brush against tall grasses and bushes. They are far more prevalent in the warmer months. They are a problem even...
Kaibab National Forest Camping Rules
These official rules and regulations for camping at Kaibab National Forest were gathered from Orders issued by the Supervisor of Kaibab National Forest, along with information published U.S. Forest Service website, and from...
Maine Rest Area Rules
The following Maine rest area rules were researched from Maine's Revised Statutes, the Maine Administrative Code, documents published by Maine Department of Transportation, and from signs posted at various Maine rest areas...
Can I Buy Land in a National Forest?
Yes, you can. You can buy land in just about any national forest. However, the U.S. Forest Service rarely sells plots of its own land. Instead, you can only buy existing plots of private property. These properties are...
New Hampshire Rest Area Rules
The following list of rules for New Hampshire rest areas was researched from the New Hampshire Revised Statutes, New Hampshire Administrative Rules, publications issued by the New Hampshire Department of Transportation, and...
Vermont Rest Area Rules
The following list of Vermont rest area rules were researched from the State's "Vermont Statutes Annotated", "Vermont Administrative Code", publications issued by the Vermont Department of Transportation, and signs posted at various...
Massachusetts Rest Area Rules
How long can you stay at a Massachusetts rest area? What are the full Massachusetts rest area rules? Is camping allowed? Is overnight parking allowed at a Massachusetts rest area? Can you sleep in your car?
Coronado National Forest, Camping Rules
These official rules and regulations for camping at Coronado National Forest were gathered from Orders issued by the Supervisor of Coronado National Forest, along with information published U.S. Forest Service website, and from...
Coconino National Forest, Camping Rules
These official rules and regulations for camping at Coconino National Forest were gathered from Orders issued by the Supervisor of Coconino National Forest, along with information published U.S. Forest Service website, and from...
Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, Camping Rules
Official rules and regulations for camping at Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, as gathered from Orders issued by the Supervisor of Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, along with information published U.S. Forest Service website, and from the Code of Federal Regulations