Can You Park Overnight On the On-Ramp or Off-Ramp to a Rest Area in Texas?

Yes, you can park overnight on the on-ramp and off-ramp to a rest area in Texas. The Texas Transportation Code contains a section addressing parking in certain places, but does not...

Can I Leave My Pickup Truck Running All Night at a Rest Area?

There are some folks pulling a travel trailer who want to leave their pickup truck's engine running while parked overnight at a rest area. The idea is to use the truck's engine as a generator to power the trailer's 110 volt electrical system...

Army Corps of Engineers Campgrounds in Connecticut

Army Corps of Engineers campgrounds in Connecticut is limited to just the one campground at West Thompson Lake in North Grosvenordale. Aside from that, the Army Corps of Engineers supports no other camping at any of its dams and reservoirs in Connecticut...

Is Boondocking in Connecticut Allowed?

No, boondocking in Connecticut is not allowed, at least not on public lands. Any boondocking or dispersed camping must be done on privately owned lands. This is because there are no national forests nor BLM lands in Connecticut...

How Long Will RV Batteries Last While Boondocking?

A typical RV battery bank of one to two dual purpose RV/Marine Deep Cycle batteries will generally last about 3/4 of a day of normal use while boondocking. This is also assuming the RV has a single 200-watt solar panel on the roof...

Are E-Bikes Allowed on Army Corps of Engineers Campgrounds?

For starters, there is no single ACOE regulation that specifically identifies e-bikes as being banned on all their projects. However, the ACOE does have a rule that requires all vehicles to be operated in accordance to federal, state, and local laws...

How Close Can You Camp Next to a BLM Developed Campground?

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) does not currently dictate the minimum camping setback from a developed campground. There are no rules that specify how close you can camp next to a BLM developed campground. However...

Are e-Bikes Legal in National Forests?

Yes, e-bikes are legal in national forests. The U.S. Forest Service published its official policy on e-bikes, electric bikes, electric bicycles, electric mountain bike, and other types of electric-assisted bikes, on March 31, 2022 in a press release. In short, e-bikes are legal on all forest roads and trails that are designated for motorized vehicle use.

Is There a Cellphone Signal Booster for Hiking?

No, there is currently no cellphone signal booster for hiking available. We should clarify... there are several cellular boosters on the marker that can boost a 4G signal, but they are all intended to be mounted to a vehicle...

Is Overnight Parking Allowed on Oklahoma Turnpikes?

Yes, overnight parking is allowed on Oklahoma turnpikes. But to be more precise, the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority has not issued any rules or statements regarding overnight parking at service plazas along Oklahoma turnpikes...