Can I Dump Grey Water Anywhere?
The short answer is, "No" you cannot dump grey water anywhere. However, there are places where it is legal to dump grey water the ground, at least by Federal laws and regulations. However...
Where Can I Find Boondocking?
You can find boondocking on just about all BLM managed lands, as well as on most national forests and national grasslands. With respect to BLM managed lands, you will need to look at BLM land maps. For national forests and...
What is the Best RV for Boondocking?
The best RV for boondocking is a small to medium-sized trailer. This is because most full-time boondockers want an RV that they can leave unattended and then drive their pickup truck into town for supplies. Most boondockers also...
How Much Does it Cost to Camp in a National Forest?
The cost to camp in a national forest can range from $0.00 up to about $80.00 a night, depending on a couple factors. If you want to camp outside of developed areas, it's free. But if you want to camp in a developed campground...
Is Nude Camping Legal on Federal Lands?
From a technical standpoint, yes, nude camping is legal on federal lands. But it also depends on the agency because each handles nudity and disorderly conduct differently. It also depends on the State only because most agencies...
Is BLM Land Free to Camp On?
Yes, nearly all BLM land is free to camp on. The only places that cost money are "developed recreation areas", and even most of these are free. There are also "Long Term Visitor Areas" which costs money during one part of the year...
Can You Camp For Free on BLM Land?
Yes, for the most part, you can camp for free on BLM land. However, it does depend on what types of BLM land, and which specific areas. Some BLM lands do cost money to camp, and in some cases you are required to...
Can You Live on BLM Land?
No, you cannot live on BLM land. At least, not at the same campsite. However, you can keep moving from one location to another and remain on BLM land in general for an indefinite period. It just involves being mobile and...
How Many Days Can You Camp on BLM Land?
How many days you can camp on BLM land depends on each BLM State Office and each BLM Field Office. Each of these offices are free to establish their own camping limits. Despite this, most offices adopt the "14-Day Rule"...
The Six Types of Federal Public Lands
There are actually six types of federal public lands that you can camp on. These are broken out into six different federal land management agencies. Despite people saying there are only two, or three, or even four, there are...