Trailer Versus Motorhome – Which is Better for Boondocking?
There's a long standing argument within the RVing community, which is better, trailer versus motorhome? Is it better to have a class A or class C motorhome and tow a car behind it, or is it better to have a trailer and tow it with...
BLM Camping Rules – How to Camp on BLM Land
These are all the BLM rules with regards to camping, including boondocking and campgrounds, how long you can stay, campfires, off-road vehicles, and quiet hours. This covers all the different types of BLM lands.
What Types of BLM Lands Are There?
The Bureau of Land Management administers the bulk of federally-owned lands in the United States, and because there is so much of it, they have to classify certain parts of these lands into various categories. These categories come...
Public Campgrounds on Canyon Ferry Lake, Montana
Public campgrounds on Canyon Ferry Lake, Montana are a top destination for outdoor enthusiasts near the Helena area. Canyon Ferry Lake is located about 1/2 hour to the east of the capital city. It was created in 1954 upon the...
Free Camping on Fort Peck Lake, Montana
Free camping on Fort Peck Lake, Montana exists, with plenty of campgrounds to choose from. Fort Peck Lake lies in the north-east section of Montana. It was created in the 1930s when Fort Peck Dam was built by the Army Corps of Engineers along the Missouri River...
Camping at National Wildlife Refuges
The National Wildlife Refuge system includes some 560 designated refuge units across the United States. Many of these are off limits to the public, but many others are open to recreation to some lesser or greater extent. Camping at National Wildlife Refuges is limited to just a handful of refuges, but many are free and not very crowded.
BLM Land Maps – Where to Find Them?
There are currently three primary ways to find BLM Land Maps… BLM Land Maps – Where to Find Them? On just about all published maps that depict BLM land map overlays, BLM land is always depicted in either yellow or orange (see example above). BLM Official Land Map Website (Click here to access the map) ... Read more
Using FreeRoam to Find New Boondocking Sites
FreeRoam is an app for finding free campsites on public land, as well as a directory of reviews for established campsites. However, it's greatest power lies in finding new campsites not otherwise documented...
The Difference Between Army Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation
Today, both the Army Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation are focused on water projects throughout the United States, primarily in the construction and operation of dams along America's rivers. If these two federal agencies...
Can I Drive Anywhere on BLM Land?
No, you cannot drive anywhere on BLM land. However, yes, you are allowed to drive your vehicle off-road as long as you don't cause any damage to plants, animal habitats, and natural features.